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JBEONE Spirit Boat

Rock the Boat! Let’s get Painting!

 Here’s what you need to know to rock the boat!

Questions?? Please read this first which will hopefully answer your questions, but if not, please
reach out to


  • Register your family on if you haven’t already. Make sure your kids',
    teachers and your contact info is correct.
  • Review the calendar below. 
  • Purchase your spirit boat date for $35 by clicking "Save and Checkout" at the bottom of this page. If you have two kids and want to paint twice, then add the boat once and checkout, then repeat the process. You can purchase only one date at a time.  Please put your requested date in the comments box. Dates are sold on first come first serve order. If there are duplicate requests for the same date, the second request will be refunded OR offered another date.  Business sponsors have early access to the calendar as well. 
  • Once the date is confirmed, you will get a confirm email and the calendar will be update.  It's a manual process and we're volunteers so give us a moment :)
  • If cost is an issue to rent (meaning you want to rent, but can’t afford) please contact to coordinate
  • Think about what you want to do when you’re time comes!


  • Shop for or order the supplies you want for your project ahead of time.
  • Do not use incorrect paints or products listed below! The use of incorrect materials or damaged discs may result in a charge for the cost of replacement.
  • Confirm dates - Double check the calendar on to make sure you have the
    correct dates. Want everyone on the same page and to avoid any frustration/misunderstandings ;)
  • Get your disc! Two days before you are scheduled to display it, pick up your disc from
    the school. You have TWO DAYs to paint the disc. We want to limit discs floating all over
    the place as they took time, $ and effort to get done - so you’ve got two days! :)
    • See timeline example below.
    • THE DISKS ARE LARGE - 4" in diameter - so picking up with an SUV or truck is easiest.  And if you know anyone that wants to help reduce the size or help maintain/paint them, please reach out to
    • Disks will be located in a shed to the right of the school by the kindergarten pod
    • You can pick up any time of day starting two days before your scheduled display date.
    • If one side is already painted, that’s okay! Paint the other side or over the current paint with your message.
    • Remember to give yourself time for it to dry (acrylic paint does dry fast though!)
  • Do your project at home. Use the approved paint types. Additional information about
    paints and project ideas below. No glitter please!
    • Do not paint both sides of the Disc. It’s OK if the other side is painted.
  • Hang your disc on the boat.
    • See timeline example below
    • Do not hang your message before 6:30pm as that’s still someone else’s day.
    • After 6:30pm, take down the previous disc and return it to “Mr. Joes boat” by the office entrance.
    • Hang your Disc on the boat for everyone to see in the morning and all day tomm!
      The next person will take yours down at 630 pm and put into the shed next to the kindergarten pod. And the cycle continues...
    • If possible, TAKE PICS AT NIGHT when you hang it up. If you do take pics in the morning, please follow rules and park at Senior Center and walk over using sidewalks/crosswalk.   Please be careful with carpool traffic. 
  • Make your kiddo smile!! Take a pic and tag us on instagram!

Timeline example:

  1. You have rented the boat for the 3rd day of the month.
  2. You can pick up your disc starting anytime on the 1st to take home to paint.
  3. You can hang your disk at 6:30 pm on the 2nd.
  4. Your disk will be replaced the evening of the 3rd by 6:30pm
  5. In other words, your message can be up for 24 hours - 630pm the night before to 630 pm the night of your reserved day.

Example: if your kid's birthday is a Weds, you get your disc to paint on Monday or
Tuesday. Tuesday night at at 630 pm, put YOUR disc on the spirit boat. If there’s
another message on the boat, place that disc into the Mr. Joe boat. Your disc will then
be displayed a full 24 hours until the next person puts theirs up at 630 pm the next night
and so on.

IMPORTANT Supplies info:

  • Only use water based or acrylic outdoor paint or paint pens.
  • Do not adhere any items to the disk.
  • No glue, Crayons, or permanent markers allowed!
  • No oil based or glossy spray paints. Must be water based or Acrylic matte finish!
  • No glitter blast Spray paints, glitter paint or textured paint! No Glitter at all.
  • Washable tempera paints will not work on wood outdoors.

Approved Supply List

All of these supplies are approved - you can buy anywhere but here are the
amazon links if that makes it easier for you!

Spray paint:

Paint Pens:

Other paints:


use blue painters’ tape to hold stencils in place.

Leftover supplies you don’t want to hang on to? Drop them in the Mr. Joe boat for others to


This is a fundraiser for our wonderful school.  Let's have some fun and raise $ at the same time.    Details about our budget and activities can be found under the Parent Info/JBE One tab. Thank you for your support!  

If there are any questions, please reach out to


Thank you!

The JBE One Executive Board



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