Questions?? Please read this first which will hopefully answer your questions, but if not, pleasereach out to
Example: if your kid's birthday is a Weds, you get your disc to paint on Monday orTuesday. Tuesday night at at 630 pm, put YOUR disc on the spirit boat. If there’sanother message on the boat, place that disc into the Mr. Joe boat. Your disc will thenbe displayed a full 24 hours until the next person puts theirs up at 630 pm the next nightand so on.
All of these supplies are approved - you can buy anywhere but here are theamazon links if that makes it easier for you!
Spray paint:
Paint Pens:
Other paints:
use blue painters’ tape to hold stencils in place.
Leftover supplies you don’t want to hang on to? Drop them in the Mr. Joe boat for others touse!
This is a fundraiser for our wonderful school. Let's have some fun and raise $ at the same time. Details about our budget and activities can be found under the Parent Info/JBE One tab. Thank you for your support!
If there are any questions, please reach out to
Thank you!
The JBE One Executive Board
Paint your own personal message to your child or children on our JBE Spirit Rock!